Two innovative apps to better support sleepStudies show that children and young people with SEND are more prone to experiencing difficulty in falling and staying asleep than their peers.

Parents and carers of children and young people with SEND will know all too well that any disruptions to routines and higher levels of stress and excitement will likely make sleep difficulties even worse.

Two innovative sleep apps to support better sleep 

Aware of the concerns shared by our special schools over the quality and quantity of sleep of their learners, NASS has worked in partnership with Hunrosa, leading UK sleep experts, to develop two innovative apps to help manage and improve sleep – Sleeptasia and Sleep Wise.

Sleeptasia is aimed at children and young people. It’s a simple game which helps teach children some of the steps to take to improve their sleep. Carrying out simple pre-sleep tasks in the game, like turning off the light, earns ‘gems’ which can be exchanged for buildings and animals to help populate Sleeptasia.

Sleep Wise is aimed at school staff as well as parents and carers. It helps assess whether a child might have a sleep problem through a series of questions and a sleep diary. It then offers a tailored ‘sleep plan’ with suggestions of activities to try over a two week period.

Both apps were tested and developed with NASS member special schools and are now available more widely through Google Play and the App store.

Whilst the apps were primarily designed to support children and young people with SEND, they can also be used more widely to promote better sleep behaviours.

It is important to note that neither of the apps collect data. Information stays on your device and is anonymous. If you wish, you do have the opportunity to share information with others to help find a way forward to assist with sleep problems in children and young people.

The apps have also passed review and are certified by ORCHA (Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Apps).

Download the apps


Sleep Wise

The Sleep Wise app is suitable for the whole school to support learners with their sleep. Please contact Hunrosa in order to discuss school or bulk purchases.