Identifying and Investigating Allegations of Professional Abuse Training 28th November 2024 Thursday 28th Nov 2024 via Zoom

9.00 am (9:15 am start) to 4:00 pm.

What is the difference between an allegation and a complaint? What if the person isn’t our employee? What does part 4 of KCSIE require us to do and what about keeping records afterwards?

This training event is suitable for members of the school leadership team, heads of department and / or HR officers who may in the future refer, be asked to investigate, or oversee an investigation of, an allegation against a member of staff or volunteer.

To equip delegates with the skills and understanding to recognise allegations of professional abuse and undertake robust disciplinary investigations.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, delegates will:

  • be able to describe a range of behaviours that could be considered ‘allegations of professional abuse’
  • fulfil the requirements of KCSIE in relation to low level concerns (LLC)
  • be familiar with the statutory guidance and relevant legislation, including time-scales and record-keeping
  • review and, if necessary, update their own policy and procedures to ensure best practice
  • have a sound understanding of the role and responsibilities of an investigating officer
  • be able to plan then undertake an efficient investigation and draw conclusions confidently
  • appreciate when suspension may be appropriate, and possible alternatives to suspension
  • understand which circumstances invoke the legal duty to refer to regulatory bodies

As this is a virtual training event you will require audio/visual capability i.e. desktop with webcam plus headphones and a microphone or laptop/device with microphone and camera.  Delegates will be required to have their camera on during the training.

Certificates will be emailed to participants following the completion of the training and receipt of a completed evaluation form.  To receive your certificate you must be in attendance for the whole event.

About the Presenter
Carolyn is a highly experienced and skilled trainer in the field of child protection and safeguarding. She has already run very successful training programmes for Designated Safeguarding Leads and Safer Recruitment within our sector and will work closely with NASS to ensure that this course meets our need.

Deadline for receipt of bookings: 15th November 2024
Deadline for receipt of cancellations: 14th November 2024

Terms & Conditions
The delegate fees shown are per person.
At the point of booking, payment can be made via credit/debit card or an invoice can be requested.
Our invoice terms are strictly payment within 30 days of the date of the invoice.
Bookings are non-transferable but delegate substitutions will be accepted.

50% of delegate fee will be refunded for cancellations received by 14th November 2024
After this date no fees are refundable for cancellation or non-attendance.
All cancellations must be confirmed in writing by email.
We reserve the right to cancel a course due to insufficient numbers.
In the unlikely event that NASS has to cancel an event, our liability in the event of cancellation is limited to a full refund of the event fee only.

Check Event Availability Book Today
NASS Conference Dates Thu 28 Nov 2024
NASS Conference Times 09:00 - 16:00
NASS Conference Times via Zoom
NASS Conference Times Spaces Available: 20

Delegate Pricing

NASS Member

Associate Members

Non-NASS Members