Harmful sexual behaviour, sexual violence and harassment in special schools 15th October 2024 Tuesday 15th Oct 2024 Online

9:30 am (registration from 9:15 am) to 3:30 pm – via Zoom

Presenter: Carolyn Eyre, Safeguarding Consultant

Keeping Children Safe in Education part 5 sets out the arrangements that schools and colleges should have in place to manage sexual violence & sexual harassment between pupils. The advice sets out what sexual violence and sexual harassment is, how to minimise the risk of it occurring and what to do when it does occur or is alleged to have occurred.

This course will be relevant to:

  • Proprietors of independent and Non-Maintained Special schools (including special academies, free schools and alternative provision academies);
  • Headteachers, Principals and Senior Leadership Teams; and
  • Designated Safeguarding Leads (and their deputies).

Please note, this course is aimed at schools who may be working with problematic or harmful sexual behaviours for the first time or who encounter them relatively rarely. This is not aimed at those schools who already provide specialist services for children and young people who display harmful sexual behaviours.

This course will cover:

  • What SVSH and harmful sexual behaviour means in the context of children with disabilities and additional needs
  • The statutory & non-statutory responsibilities of schools
  • Recognition and referral to partner agencies
  • Steps to prevention: what special schools need to put in place
  • Where emerging sexual identity sits in relation to society’s expectations of learners with additional needs

As this is a virtual training event you will require audio/visual capability i.e. desktop with webcam plus headphones and a microphone or laptop/device with microphone and camera.  Delegates will be required to have their camera on at all times during the training.

Certificates will be emailed to participants following the completion of the training and receipt of a completed evaluation form.  To receive your certificate you must be in attendance for the whole event.

About the Presenter

Carolyn is a highly experienced and skilled trainer in the field of child protection and safeguarding. She has already run very successful training programmes for Designated Safeguarding Leads and Safer Recruitment within our sector and will work closely with NASS to ensure that this course meets our need.

Deadline for receipt of bookings: Wednesday 2nd October 2024
Deadline for receipt of cancellations: Tuesday 1st October 2024

Terms & Conditions

The delegate fees shown are per person.
At the point of booking, payment can be made via credit/debit card or an invoice can be requested.
Our invoice terms are strictly payment within 30 days of the date of the invoice.
Bookings are non-transferable but delegate substitutions will be accepted.

50% of delegate fee will be refunded for cancellations received by 1st October 2024.
After this date no fees are refundable for cancellation or non-attendance.
All cancellations must be confirmed in writing by email.
We reserve the right to cancel a course due to insufficient numbers.
In the unlikely event that NASS have to cancel an event, our liability in the event of cancellation is limited to a full refund of the event fee only.

Check Event Availability Book Today
NASS Conference Dates Tue 15 Oct 2024
NASS Conference Times 09:30 - 15:30
NASS Conference Times Online
NASS Conference Times Spaces Available: 20

Delegate Pricing

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